Sustainable Development Goal 3 awareness amongst the students through the PowerPoint Presentation

Blogs posted by the students on Sustainable Development Goal 3

Seed Collection Drive

Plantation Drive
They say “Save trees and take care of them just as they take care of you.” Van Mahotsav or the ‘Forest Festival’ is a week-long festival celebrated to encourage‘tree plantation drives’. It is observed from 1st – 7th of July and was initiated by K.M Munshi in 1950. He aimed at increasing forest areas to create awarenessabout conservation of trees amongst the masses. With an objective to sensitize the students about the same, St. Mary’s School, Dwarka celebrated Van Mahotsavon 6th July, 2022 with immense zeal and enthusiasm. A myriad of activities conducted amongst which the ‘Plantation Drive’ was a major highlight. The students of class IX, X and XII brought seeds from home which were later sown in the school garden. They were enthralled to know that even after they leave school, thetrees they planted will foster the younger students.

To promote the Plantation Drive blogs were created and posted on Facebook and Instagram.

Pamphlet Making Activity

Students of Std. XII collected data on A.Q.I. of six different places of Delhi including Vikas Puri, Dwarka, Dhaula Kaun, Connaught Place, Patparganj and Mayapuri.

Std. VIII students prepared a Vermi-composting site by burying leaf litter and kitchen waste which generated a lot of manure for horticulture.

Std. VIII did a comparative study on vehicles running on fossil fuels vis-a-vis benefits of electric vehicles.
Students designed an electric vehicle using Minecraft Education Edition.

Std. VII conducted 'Pollution Check Drive ‘ Handmade badges of 'AQ champions’ was gifted to the vehicle owners
with valid pollution certificate.

Std. VI students designed and distributed pamphlets in and around school campus, to create awareness on the effect of air pollution on our health.The activity encouraged students to combat pollution by following 3 R’s (RECYCLE, REDUCE AND REUSE).

Std. V students participated in best out of waste activity to upcycle waste and create new decorative items which were showcased in the class.

Std. IV designed ‘Comic Strips’ on the topic ‘Effect of air pollution on health’.

Std. IV depicted ‘My Promise to the Environment’ through posters.

Std. III students researched and planted a sapling that improves the indoor air quality.

Std. III students spinned a story on “Clean air is important for our health”.

Std. I and II students ‘Sow Seed in a Pot’ at home.