MUN, in which students typically role play delegates to the United Nations and simulate UN committees. Participants develop confidence and leadership skills. Model UN conferences are opportunities to practice research, public speaking, teamwork, negotiation, and writing skills in a safe and structured environment.

We're pleased to introduce to you the first season of SMSD MUN. It is designed so that each one of us finds our own voice amidst the cacophony of opinions. We've to foster a world that isn't broken into fragments by narrow domestic walls, but one which stands in unity and peace.
SMSD MUN 1.0 provides an excellent platform for open dialogue and debate, where we can exchange ideas, explore solutions, and forge consensus on the critical issues at hand. Let us approach this challenge with an open mind and a spirit of cooperation. We, as a world, need heads that can critically analyse and negotiate at the time of crisis and we aim at fostering minds which take better decisions for the world.
We assure you that even your whispers of change will be loud enough for the world to ponder over.
On 8th October, the gavel was struck to conclude SMSD MUN 2023. This 2-day event - from its conceptualization to its fruition - was a student-led initiative. Our core team worked relentlessly to simulate 2 committees: UNGA and UNHRC, for around 69 delegates and 21 IP members. 18 schools from all over Delhi participated in the same.
St. Mary's School Dwarka organised the Sankalp Sahodaya South West Delhi Model United Nations, along with four other partner schools, on 20th January 2017. In this conference the Security Council held a discussion on the following agenda: "Force/counter repression, is the only solution to terrorism or is there scope for political negotiation?”. Nine schools participated in the MUN. The closing ceremony was held at Maxfort School, Dwarka, on the 21st. The students of our school won following prizes at the Sankalp Sahodaya South West, Delhi MUN held at the four other partner schools:
1. Kumar Ananya of Class 10C, won the prize for the Best Delegate at Indian Heights School, Dwarka.
2. Khushi Vats of Class 9C, won the prize for High Recommendation at Maxfort School, Dwarka.
3. Devam Kaushik of Class 10C and Anushka Jha of Class 10E, won the prize for the Best Position Paper at N.K. Bagrodia School, Dwarka.