Nurturing our students in a positive community where they learn to take responsibility of their own learning and behaviour has been the school's endeavour

Time management, taking
onus of looking after ones own belongings, independent learning, self discipline, taking the initiatives and honing leadership skills are topmost on the list of traits to be developed. Encouraging our students to do the right thing, at the right time and place are the steps taken towards leading our students to become social entrepreneurs.

Our academic programme is built around the needs of the competitive world we live in. Based on grades and school assessments, the students are provided the instruction that will help them to succeed. Our goal is to build an academic programme that is both rigorous and motivating. We help students develop academic skills, content knowledge, healthy habits
and sound decision making skills. In the process we also expose them not only to situations which they will face in the future but also sensitize them to those who are less privileged than they, are developmentally or economically.... 

We realize that we cannot be successful in this
endeavour unless we provide a safe and positive learning environment to our students. A non threatening atmosphere with explicit do’s and don’ts helps them to get rid of the grey areas in their behaviour and thoughts. We appreciate the fact that they are still children and need plenty of love as well as cherishing.

Through the various activities, students are encouraged to be confident communicators with active listening skills well in place.  
Team work, respect for each other and valuing all cultures are evident in their behaviour as they go about their routine. 

I consider it my responsibility to create the norm in our school culture and work closely with teachers to ensure that our students have the right platform to exercise these qualities.

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